What We Still Want to Change / Add in the Flex Room
Our Flex Room is directly adjacent to our Living Room and therefore on the same timeline to be completed as the Living Room. This room is coming together, but still needs a bit of work. See the list below for the last couple of changes we want to make before we check it off the list.

Side Table
If you follow me on Instagram, a couple months back I posted that I got this side table from the Studio McGee collection at Target. I love the side table on it's own, but I don't think it really goes with the rest of the room. The top of the side table is a very light wood while the base is black metal. Since we already have the wood tone of the floor, piano and record player, introducing yet another tone doesn't compliment the space. Either the table top gets stained a darker color to match one of the other wood tones, or we get a new side table all together.
This vintage inspired clock that we have hanging in our Flex Room was hung before we hung up the curtains. It was centered on the wall before the curtains went up, but now needs to be moved further to the right to be centered between the curtains and the adjacent wall.

Top of Piano
Right now, the top of the piano is cluttered and isn't designed or styled in any way. We would like to keep some sort of stems or branches on the right side of the piano to add height and remove the tan and orange vases just to the left of the stems. Next we would relocate the Empire State Building and Singapore skyline Lego sets and the Taylor Swift candle (Travis' favorite) to somewhere else in the house. Once the piano top is cleared, we would add a book stand for the bible that is shown in the picture above. Travis found this aged bible at a store in Gruene, TX and we want to showcase it. Lastly, if the piano doesn't feel too crowded with the bible and stems, we would like to add a piece of art on the left side of the piano to fill up the blank space on the wall. The artwork would either be a piece that has deep greens, grays and a touch of rust color to compliment the room or would be one of Travis and my engagement photos in 18x24 format.

Ceiling Light
If you've read my post on '6 Ways to Add Character to Your Spec Home', you know that boob lights are the typical light fixture chosen by home builders as a cheap option for lighting and a light fixture I am not a fan of. And they are everywhere in our home, including our Flex Room. We would like to revise the boob light to something more elegant that matches the room. A flush mount / semi-flush mount light (a light that is mounted to the ceiling or hangs down slightly) that have some black accents. Here are some of the fixtures we are considering.

The rug we currently have in the Flex Room is a gray toned shag rug that I first purchased when I moved to Austin 5 years ago. It doesn't really go with the style of the room and needs to be changed out. Alternatively, we want to go with something that compliments our rug in the Living Room which has a black and cream rug. The new rug for the Flex Room also needs to be a bit larger so it is proportional to the chairs. With a larger rug in this space, we would be able to space the chairs further apart so the room won't seem as crowded.