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Ways to Upgrade Your Bathroom That Are All Under $75

Updated: Jun 24, 2022

This week, we are breaking down how to ball on a budget in your home's bathroom. No need to start ripping out your bathtub or toilet to elevate your bathroom... and all ideas below are under $75!


Sink Faucets

You can really tell the date of a home by it's bathroom, am I right? Or, your bathroom just may not be your style anymore. That. Is. Ok. Bathrooms are tricky to upgrade because yes, they add a lot of value to your home if they are upgraded, but they are incredibly expensive to bring up-to-date. If you have a little bit saved up, for a bathroom upgrade, but don't want to spend an arm and a leg, I would start with the bathroom sink faucet. Faucets can get expensive pretty quickly, but there are plenty of options to choose from if you are trying to be budget conscious.

  1. Look at Wayfair. They have quite a few faucet options for under $70 including this one that is only $50 right now! Before ordering your faucet, check and make sure you order the faucet with the correct number of hook ups to match the correct number of holes in your countertops.

2. Look on Facebook Marketplace. There are regular listings for new faucets at a discounted price on there constantly, all you have to do is go pick it up.


Painting Your Cabinets

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, paint is one of the easiest things to change in your home and it has one of the greatest impacts. Painting your cabinets immediately takes your outdated wood-look cabinets to cabinets that look like they were newly installed yesterday. To keep your cabinets a color that never goes out of style, try painting them a dark gray, deep navy blue or white.


Replacing / Adding Cabinet Hardware

Again, just like the faucet, this is a minor feature in your bathroom that has big impact on your bathroom, and that's the cabinet hardware. Adding hardware to your cabinets is a simple and cost effective way that doesn't have to break the bank. So, where to start when looking for hardware?

1. Amazon. This is always my first place to look for new hardware due to the inexpensive, yet great quality hardware pieces that I've found. You can get around 10 handles or knobs for under $20. Most of the time, the price is even less than that.

2. Home Depot or Lowes. These big-box home stores have a plethora of hardware that is still at a reasonable price. It may be a bit more expensive than the ones you find on Amazon, but the quality is there.



It's personal preference, but I am not a fan of the large single mirrors that home-builders put in bathrooms. I know it's the cheapest option, but it doesn't give the bathroom any character or intrigue (and I understand they want the design to be universal). Mirrors are a simple, if your existing mirror isn't glued to the wall, way to update your space for a minimal amount of money. Wayfair again is a great place to start for interesting and unique mirrors that are under $75. Take the one below for instance that comes in right under at $73.



See, there are inexpensive, and yet good quality ways to upgrade your bathroom without it breaking the bank. Even if you aren't into upgrading your bathroom for the resale value, upgrade it for you! So, that every time you walk into that bathroom, it puts a smile on your face... that you didn't spend an arm and a leg making it feel like home.



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